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<metadesc>Descripción de formato e inventario digital de libros</metadesc>
<metadesc>Descripción de formato e inventario digital de libros</metadesc>
[[Category:Páginas traducidas al Inglés]]

Revisión actual del 11:22 29 oct 2021

Eng-spa.png As popular print, the book keeps the same format as the booklet and the chapbook, only distinguished by featuring more than 64 folios. Regarding the content and in the corpus of the Vanegas Arroyo printing press, we found extended plays.

Book Catalogue

We list here the first results of a search in the database. If the user wishes to access the entire inventory, they must click on next results at the bottom of the list, or they can access the bibliographical search or literary search pages to look for printing material listed under those criteria.

CSL-BN-EAHierro.tiff El anillo de hierro 1889 98
EMVirgen.djvu El milagro de la virgen Zarzuela en tres actos y cinco cuadros, en prosa y verso 1891 81
NLTimbre.djvu La nueva ley de la renta federal del timbre expedida en abril 25 de 1893 y que empieza a regir el 1º de julio del mismo año 1893 160
LaPasionaria.djvu La pasionaria Drama en tres actos y en verso, original de Leopoldo Cano y Masas 1890 147
CSL-BN-LaTempestad.tiff La tempestad 1892 95
LDUltimamente.tiff Ley de la propiedad raíz con las disposiciones aclaratorias expedidas últimamente 1894 68
MDMaria BIS.tiff Modo de ofrecer los sagrados misterios del Santísimo Rosario de Nuestra Señora la Santísima Virgen María 70
PYContornos.tiff Perfiles y contornos 1892 82

About the Search by Book

The catalog presented above results from a database query for all items labeled as books for the Is type of print property, but requires that only the following labels appear for these records: Is print incipit, Is year and Is number of pages.
      The INDEX column features links to the bibliographical data of each print, which include other data of interest for each book. It is possible to make more detailed searches to refine the results and find the prints that are most relevant to the user. To this end, the semantic search tool is more useful than the table with the labels arranged like an inventory, but searches must be carried out according to the norms described by Semantic MediaWiki.



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